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2012 Club Scuderia Interim Committee Election

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New member
The 2012 Interim Committee Election process has now started.

Positions for Election

There is 1 (one) Committee position up for election – Hud (Rob) position (announcement here).


The Returning Officer will be Murph7355 (Andy).


Saturday 29th Sept (Day 1)

Returning officer appointed by the Committee - COMPLETE

Email out to eligible members noting the election has started – will be sent before the end of today.

Do NOT change your registered address between now and when the election completes.

If you believe you have not received an email by the morning, you need to first check a few things:
  • Check that you are eligible (section 6 of the Constitution pages)
  • Check that the email has not been filtered to your junk folder.
  • Check that you are checking the correct email address!!
If you have checked these, and no email has been received, please send a PM to the RO, including the address you believe should have been used.

Anyone wishing to stand for the position up for election should now PM the RO.

1100 1st Oct (Day 3)

Window for submitting nominations closes. NB In case of query, timestamps on PMs will be the determinant on meeting this deadline!

RO posts names in the Announcement thread as they are received and will announce final list after 1100.

2nd Oct (Day 4)

Campaigning begins

Q&A thread created

Manifestos can be submitted to the Announcement thread via PM to the RO

Dedicated campaign thread can be set up by each candidate

All Club rules will be rigidly enforced – the mods have been instructed to be especially strict on baiting, responding to baiting, going off topic and generally being offensive. PM rules will also be rigidly enforced (see the Constitution).

Midday 3rd Oct (Day 5)

Voting opens with emails sent to all eligible members.

Again, if you do not receive an email, you need to first check a few things:
  • Check that you are eligible.
  • Check that the email has not been filtered to your junk folder.
  • Check that you are checking the correct email address!!

Midday 5th Oct (Day 7)

Campaigning officially ends. ALL election threads will be closed. Alternative threads are NOT to be opened.

Midday 9th Oct (Day 11)

Vote closes.

Midday 10th Oct (Day 12)

Result announced no later than this date/time (to allow time for the RO to post outside of work hours).

Should you have any queries, please send a PM to "Committee".


The Committee
Candidate announcement - AJ3XX

AJ3XX (Andy) has put his name into the mix for the open position.

Good luck AJ3XX.
Nominations closed

No other names have been put forward. As per the constitution, a vote will be put to the members noting for/against as per the prescribed timetable.

Voting is now closed.

This vote was put to 302 eligible members.

51 voted.

49 were "for" AJ3XX joining the Committee.
2 were "against".

Andy is elected.

Thanks to everyone who took part. Congratulations to Andy and good luck to Tony, Mark and Andy as our new Committee.
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